The ghost of the wilderness is the Mountain Lion. They are an ever present, yet highly elusive cat, which makes them one of the prizes of the hunter. Our hounds have an uncanny talent for routing out these hidden animals. Mountain Lions are very plentiful but camouflage well with the surrounding terrain. We don’t see them often due to their slinking nature, but to hunt one is truly an experience to remember. Make sure you bring your camera to record your unique adventure.
We offer a ten-day lion hunt for $10,000.00 that includes your Montana Mountain Lion license, all food, an excellent full-time cook, guides, stock, tack, and lodging are furnished. You will need to furnish your motel rooms before and after your hunt, rifle, sleeping bag, personal gear, meat processing, and taxidermy costs. There are meat processors and taxidermists locally that will take care of your processing, shipping, and taxidermy needs. We will prepare all hides, heads, and capes for your taxidermist if you prefer.
Lion licenses are $339.25 plus $50.00 trophy fee after you successfully take a lion.
Mountain Lion licenses must be purchased prior to hunt.
Current as of: 1/7/23
- Dec 1-10, 2023 — filled
- Dec 5-15, 2023 — filled
- Dec 1-10,2024 — filled
- Dec 5-15,2024 — filled
These mountain lion hunts are sold first deposit has first choice of openings. A 25% deposit is required to book a hunt with another 25% due along with the submittal of your license application, balance due at time of hunt. Deposits will be refunded if you are unable to obtain your license otherwise deposits are nonrefundable.
**Future pricing is subject to change without notice**