How Hunters Can Beat the Montana Heat

A man poses with an Elk he took down while hunting at Elk Ridge Outfitters

Anyone who’s spent enough time in Montana during the summer knows that the heat is no joke. It’s not too uncommon of a site to see temperatures crawl into the trip digits in July and August. So, if you’re planning to hunt anywhere across this beautiful landscape, it’s important to take the proper precautions. Let’s take a look at some of the best ways you can stay cool and effective during the hottest Montana summer hunts.

Dress Smartly for the Heat

First things first, you have to dress the part. Go for lightweight, breathable fabrics that wick away moisture and keep in mind that light colors reflect the sun’s rays better than dark ones. A good hat and neck gaiter can also protect you from the sun, while allowing for ventilation. If you’re going to be out in the heat for an extended period, consider packing a cooling vest to add to your overall comfort.

Timing is Everything

Do your best to avoid the mid-day heat. Early mornings and late evenings are a strategically smart move as wildlife tends to be more active during those times. If you do plan to be out during the afternoon, try to find a shaded area or set up near a water source, where you can catch a breeze and stay cool. Animals will also be seeking refuge from the heat in these areas.

Hydration and Nutrition

Perhaps nothing is more important in the summer than staying hydrated. Always bring more water than you think you’ll need and sip regularly throughout the day. Beverages with caffeine or excessive sugar should be avoided as they can lead to dehydration. The snacks you bring should be high in electrolytes and easy to digest, such as bananas, nuts, and energy bars. These will help you replenish the salt you lose through sweating and keep your energy levels stable.

Hunting in Montana during the summer can be a beautiful experience – you just have to ensure you’re properly prepared. If you feel that you’re ready to take on the challenge, Elk Ridge Outfitters is here to help you make that happen. We offer guided big game hunting, comfortable accommodations, and delicious home-style meals. Contact us today at 406-220-2379 to schedule your trip!

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